verette's Natural Hair & Beauty
Salon & School
(Downtown Detroit)
River Park Lofts
227 Iron Street, Suite 133
Detroit, MI 48207
"We teach more than a skill or career ... we teach a lifestyle"
4 Week Intense
Natural Hair Care Training
taught by the
Queen Aduni
(Sheila Everette-Hale)
Licensed Natural Hair Culturist,
Licensed Cos Instructor
Educational Director,
Master NHI Pioneer & CEO
Fame! Everette
Natural Hair Stylist
Natural Hair School Manager

Week 1: Tuesday (day 1)
History & Career Opportunities
Thursday (day 2)
Hair Types, Structure & Textural Differences
Textured Hair is Manageable
Week 2: Tuesday (day 1)
Infection Control Principles & Practices
Basic Principles for Personal
& professional success
Thursday (day 2)
Hair & Scalp Diseases & Disorders
The Professional Consultation
Week 3: Tuesday (day 1)
Shampoos, Conditioners, Rinses
Herbal Treatments
Thursday (day 2)
Basic Anatomy & Physiology
Week 4: Tuesday (day 1)
Business Management
Thursday (day 2)

Week 1: Tuesday (day 1)
Cornrows (w/ ext.)
Feed-in braids
Thursday (day 2)
Ghana Braids
Stitch Braids
Week 2: Tuesday (day 1)
Box braids
Ty- zillion
Senegalese twist
Senegalese twist (braid-in)
Senegalese twist (twist-in)
Thursday (day 2)
Kinky twist
Flat twist
Flat twist (w/ext.)
Week 3: Tuesday (day 1)
Bantu knots
Bantu knots (w/ext.)
Faux locs
Silky locs
Goddess locs
Thursday (day 2)
French braids
French braids (w/ext.)
Week 4: Tuesday (day 1)
Turn in homework
Thursday (day 2)
Technique Review
Natural Hair Cutting
taught at Bootcamp (only)

Supplies List ( not included)
2 black mannequins (Yolanda style)
1 mannequin stand
1 parting comb
1 barber comb
1 pair scissors
1 lighter
1 latchhook
single prong short clips
single prong long clips
4 pks 100% kanekalon extension hair
1 pk marley twist hair extension
Milady Standard Natural Hair Care
& Braiding Book
Zoom app
Online- laptop, tablet, or phone


The 3-day Bootcamp is designed to fine-tune all of the techniques, review and test the theory, business/salon management, make sure students are secure in what they have been taught and receive their certificates.
Registration closes
3 days prior to starting date.
Evening classes held
Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:00 - 9:00 PM EST
Dec. 14, 2023 - Jan. 11, 2024
3-Day Bootcamp
Friday - Sunday
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Jan. 26-28, 2024
Classes are limited to 15/month. Students are accepted based on seriousness and passion to serve and create beautiful experiences for themselves and others.
Click below to register